Equipment/Upgrades - computers/peripherals/software, TV/video, stereo/radio/CD/DVD,
kitchen appliances, and the like:
Ah, those upgrades! This reminds me of the phrase, "boys and their
toys": sigh, all those computer-related and audiovisual equipment upgrades
(deemed "essential" household costs by males and usually "not hardly" by
females)! The nifty new kitchen appliances are more commonly in the woman’s
domain (though also often gifted to them by men); then there are the new
sewing machines, sergers, embroiderers, etc… (And the ham radio equipment, the
???, and the ???… lots of stuff with which I can't begin to keep up.)
Sure, it’s okay to upgrade… but let’s call it like it is: "The need to upgrade" is, by and large, a huge money-draining
dodge that we perpetrate on our consciences – an excuse for "more,
better, cooler" stuff. If having the latest resonates with our true
needs and desires (and I don’t declare that it doesn’t), have at it!
If not, here may be another way in which you’d like to downsize.
(Certainly, you could probably get rid of all those albums that you’ve now got
on CD or .mp3!)
If you've got to trade up, perhaps you could help manage household costs by buying
equipment and appliances more frugally. By that I mean seeking out the best
deals online (eBay, Amazon, and the like - often selling way below store
prices); or even at the rummage store? (sometimes a good bet if you'll accept
the next-latest version of the cool thing that someone else had to have
the very latest of).
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